Introduction of the OrC

The OrC is the Orientation Committee of CognAC (see below). Every year this committee consists of around a dozen people who organise the orientation week and everything surrounding it, for you! They organise the activities you join, make sure you have dinner, and of course ensure that you can make enough memories to last a life-time. The main focus of the OrC is that of introducing you to all the nice things Radboud, CognAC and Nijmegen have to offer. If you have any questions you can always send an email to or ask it during orientation!
If you want some more information about the OrC of this year you can find us all below!

Introduction of CognAC

CognAC, an alcoholic beverage, a town in France, and most importanly the study association for Artificial Intelligence here in Nijmegen. CognAC is a study association (not a student one), this means that there are no* requirements/obligations for our members. We are thus also more focussed on the study part of your student-life. This however does not mean we only do study related things as CognAC offers much more. *Apart from paying your member cost of course.

One of the things you will see pop by the most are our activities. We organise all kinds of activities such as bowling, social drinks, (study) trips, and much more. The orientation is actually also one of the things which is organised by CognAC, specifically by the Orientation Committee. We also offer more serious activities that focus on your studies or you life after studies such as Crash-Courses before exam weeks and the carreer week where you can talk to a variety of companies.

We obviously also offer tools to help you during your studies such as a discount on your study books, a cloud with many summaries for almost all AI courses, and a tutoring network among many other things. Even if you are not much of a going-out type of person CognAC can be really beneficial for you. For all things CognAC has to offer you can check out our website!

Becoming a member

If this has sparked your interest and you want to join then you are in luck! It is super easy as you can sign up via You can choose to be a member for 1 year (€7,50) or to become a member for your entire studies (€20,-). Remember that there are no obligations for joining, everything we offer is to make your time during your studies great and successful, but depending on your own interest.

This years OrC

This year we consist of 1e lovely members who all combined their efforts and knowledge to provide you with the best possible week! Each and every one of us have a special thing we are in charge of, but all of us combined organise the entire week. Throughout the week we hope that we will get to know you all a bit better and that you will enjoy the things we organised for you. We are all students as well so if you want to know anything about the study or tricks we learned along the way feel free to have a chat! You can always come to any of us if you have any questions surrounding the orientation but were also here for other questions if you have them! We all speak English (how would we else survive the study) and most of us speak Dutch as well ;)

Hello there! I'm Aleksandra.
This year I have the honor to call myself the chair of this amazing committee. Soon I'll be a third-year student. My adventures with the OrC started at a very memorable party and here we are two years later. You’ll be able to find me running around and doing a million things at once, but you can always come and chat!

Aleksandra (She/Her) - OrC Chair

Hi everyone! I am Sophie and I am secretary of the OrC.
I'm also one of the crisis contact people of the orientation week. So if you need a band-aid, or got into some trouble I am the person to call. Of course you can also talk to me when there is no crisis to be solved😉
I am looking forward to meeting you all, and enjoy your intro!

Sophie (She/Her) - OrC Secretary

Hi there all of you, my name is Bart Snel.
This year i will be having a gap year after finishing my studies. Currently i am the treasurer of the OrC and planning on working within the fields of AI.
Some more about myself, I am 24 years old and love doing any kind of sport. Currently my sport of choice is Climbing. I also love working at Festivals and going there.
Hope you all have a great intro and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Bart (He/Him) - OrC Treasurer

Hiii! I am Ale and I am starting the third year of my bachelor in september. I am a 20 year old international student from Romania and in my free time I like to do all sorts of arts and crafts. You'll see me running from one place to another during intro week, but if you catch me sitting around come talk to me about anything!!!
See you soon!!<3

Ale (She/Her) - OrC Member

Heya! I'm Cora, and I took all the other pictures on this page ;)
This is my second year in the OrC, and I was a mentor four times before that. I like watching the same two shows on repeat and playing/making/listening to music. I also enjoy chatting about everything and nothing so if you ever catch me not running around stressedly, feel free to approach me! <3

Cora. (She/Her) - OrC Member

Hi! I'm Cristina, a 19-year-old second-year AI student from Romania.
This year, I'm also excited to be diving into the AI honours programme alongside my regular studies. Feel free to approach me and ask about anything—I'd love to chat!

Cristina (She/Her) - OrC Member

Hi my name is Jelmer van Bruggen and I am 20 years old. I am now starting my third year in AI and I am also pretty active within CognAC. I like playing sports but not that competitively. I am a bit of a swiftie and I pour the milk before the cereal.

Jelmer (He/Him) - OrC Member

Hey there, I am Johan I am in the CriCo this year and was the treasurer of the board of CognAC last year. Being Treasurer means making sure all money is handled correctly. So if you have any questions surrounding CognAC or money, I should be able to answer them. This is my first year in the OrC but I have been a mentor for the previous two years, and because I enjoyed the orientation week so much, I felt like it was time to help organise it. In my free time you can usually find me playing any type of sport, trying to make some new absurd dish, or perfecting an incredibly simple one. Other than that I am of course studying and hanging out with friends, and trying to learn a lot of random stuff. So if you have any fun facts or just wanna chat feel free to. See you there!

Johan (He/Him) - OrC Member

Hey everyone,
I am Lucy, and have just finished my second year here at the AI bachelor. I have fond memories of my own introduction week so I wanted to give back and so I decided to join the OrC this year. Some of my hobbies are rock climbing, programming and next to that I just like to hang out with friends.
If you ever have any questions about the studies or courses that you will get during your time here feel free to approach me!

Lucy (She/Her) - OrC Member

Hello everyone,
My name is Peter, I joined the OrC because the orientation week is the most fun and packed week of the year. Making new friends, getting to know the city and getting to understand what student life is all about, what could be more fun?
This year will be my third year and probably last year in the OrC!

Peter (He/Him) - OrC Member

My name is Rebecca and I am starting my second year in this amazing study you are about to become part of! I enjoy having many different activities alongside my studies, such as playing the piano, committee work, and participating in interdisciplinary programmes. If you have questions about the first year, extracurricular activities, or just want to have a chat, feel free to approach me!

Rebecca (She/Her) - OrC Member

Hi, my name is Teun Hanraets and I'm 22 years old. Next year will be my fifth year as an AI student. For the previous three years I have been a mentor, but now I'm part of the Orientation Committee. In my free time I like to hang out with friends, play video games and listen to music. Feel free to come up to me to have a chat about anything. See you during the intro!!

Teun (He/Him) - OrC Member

"Hi, my name is Tjeerd and I am going to be a second year AI student next year. Being the chair of the communication subcommittee means I am there for any questions about the intro. I was born and raised in Nijmegen so if you have any questions about the city I could also answer those. Apart from studying and doing extracurricular activities, I also like attending CognAC activities when I have the time and occasionally playing some sports. Excited to meet you all at the intro!"

Tjeerd (He/Him) - OrC Member