Hey everyone!
Super awesome that you applied for studying Artificial Intelligence in Nijmegen. We hope that you are also going to join our orientation week. Trust us, it is the best way to start your student life and to get an impression of how it is to study the best program in the whole universe.
We've created this website to give you almost all information you could desire or need to have a smooth start into your student life. Below you will soon find the schedule of the orientation week.

If you are curious about what we spend your participation fee on, we have a small explanation for you that gives you an insight on our biggest expenses. You can find this under our FAQ.

P.s. this is us, the Orientation Committee of the study association for AI in Nijmegen, CognAC! If you want some more info on us you can click the image or go to our 'About us' page.
We hope to see you soon!

Orientation Committee members 2023


Hey lovely people,
Our program can be found on this page or on the radboud events website (the place where you signed up). Please take a look so you know what to expect during our introduction week.